About us

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SAAN Ship Management


Premier Excellence through Professional Management

The SAAN Ship Management was originated by a group of well experienced, highly educated personnel and skilled maritime professionals with aim to provide quality Management, Operations and Chartering Services for Dry Cargo Ships and Bulk Carriers to the principals.

We are highly active as well in the dry bulk sector in both shipping operations and chartering. Our specializations include, but are not limited to the carriage of limestone, stone chips, coal, aggregates, iron ore, steel products (plates, coils, and wires), grains and other bulk cargoes. Ships employed include Handymax/ Supramax and Ultramax dry bulk carriers along with other vessels.

SAAN Ship Management is proud to have employees who are very experienced in various shipping fields going back over 35 years.

Future plans of the company include acquiring management and part/ full ownership of dry bulk vessels (preferably in the Handymax to Ultramax size range) along with expanding the role of the company within the shipping market

Our mission is to provide the most qualitative shipping service to our clients in the dry bulk shipping sector, in the most cost-effective and time-saving manner possible.

We specialize in the field of dry bulk cargo transportation; namely, limestone, stone chips, coal, aggregates, iron ore, steel products (plates, coils, wires), grains, etc

In today’s dynamic and ever-changing global shipping industry, we constantly strive to become a more responsible and reliable corporate ‘citizen and partner within the international maritime community.

Code of Conduct
One of abiding by the highest business and ethical standards.
  • aiming for optimization and excellence in every aspect of the work process
  • cultivating our organizational culture and philosophy
  • working with moral integrity and transparency
  • upholding quality, safety, security principles both in relation to our employees and the environment
  • investing in and constantly training, improving and refining our  human resources, our employees, who are our greatest asset and must represent the company in their dealings to the highest professional standards

Our Policy Statement
HSQE Policy

Carrying out our mission always with the utmost regard to the security of all of our employees, colleagues and guests, safety of life at sea, as well as the preservation of the environment including:

  • hosting a safe working environment in compliance with ISM / ISPS principles and objectives and to minimize the risks.
  • whilst remaining focused on servicing our shipping clients, we will not neglect the need to adjust to the ever-changing needs of the industry always abiding by all applicable laws, rules and regulations including but not limited to ISO50001:2011ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007.

Energy Efficiency Management Policy

It is often said that time is of the essence however, here at SAAN Ship Management we also firmly believe that  energy has equal importance hence we always strive to make our work and the manner of work more time efficient and energy saving.

  • as regards energy, our management always reviews and promotes eco-friendly, practices reducing marine fuel consumption as part of our company’s philosophy. Our ships are almost always instructed to steam at eco-speed to and from ports of call in order to reduce vessel fuel consumption to the least possible and reduce financial costs and any impact on the environment
  • regarding Time-efficiency, our work process is constantly being refined so as to require less time and resources including paperwork, unnecessary email/ telephone communication between the vessels employed and the office

Drugs and Alcohol (D&A) Policy

It is our company policy to abide by the relative laws in this matter and not to tolerate the use of any drugs or alcohol in any unlawful manner and/or extent both aboard ships and onshore.

Our Health and Safety working environment forbids the abuse of alcohol and drugs and the illegal possession and/or distribution thereof in accordance with OPA 90, IMO, ICS, ISM and USCG on SMI relevant requirements and guidelines.

Such offenses are disciplined and may lead to the dismissal of and/or termination of employee contracts.

Harassment Free Workplace

Our workplaces are places where racism, bullying and other types of harassment are not and will not be tolerated, in accordance with all existing International and European laws and regulations.

Given that Shipping is an international industry, our corporate policy ensures that our multi-cultural shore and ship-based personnel work together harmoniously and professionally.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy

Our code of ethics makes us strive for legality thus fighting against bribery and corruption.

Bribery and corruption will not tolerate from any of our employees and would be punished in accordance with the enforceable European and International laws and regulations.

Our corporate policy furthermore states that all our employees:

  • act on a good faith basis.
  • enter into commitments that are feasible and reasonable.
  • do not mislead people.
  • never participate in corrupt business practices.
  • treat all people with merit and respect.

Social Media Policy

This policy applies to any reference to SAAN Ship Management and/or its logo and/or its interests on any site on the internet, including but not limited to social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on.

To elaborate, although the Internet is a very useful tool, it can be used in a harmful way which might damage a colleague’s reputation or the company’s reputation itself.

Specifically, sensitive information regarding the Company and/or its logo and/ or its interests are not allowed in any form of unauthorized disclosure on the web. The same shall only be allowed after having obtained prior permission/approval from company/ the company representatives.

To give examples some of the items which are forbidden from unauthorized disclosure are:

  • future vessel movement/itineraries.
  • current project status.
  • any sort of technical failure.
  •  photos of employees both aboard and onshore whilst performing company services (any photos are strictly prohibited aboard vessels even during the seamen’s recreational activities.
  • any confidential data (both corporate and personal).

The above list is not exhaustive.

Smoking Policy

SAAN Ship Management, in full awareness of the hazardous nature of smoking/ passive smoking and all the other relative side-effects, follows a strict no-smoking policy in its working environments.

The company’s workplaces are safe and healthy, always in accordance with the latest European and International regulations such as those of the ILO.

Therefore, smoking is only allowed in the specifically designated areas

Check Our
Full Services List
and Certifications

Hosting a safe working environment in compliance with ISM / ISPS principles and objectives

  • ISO50001:2011


  • ISO 9001:2008


  • ISO 14001:2004

  • OHSAS 18001:2007


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